In addition to its actions directly to the areas of mobility and energy, Fundo Verde also carried out studies in such areas. Such studies served the purpose of prospecting and developing new projects, in addition to helping us further comprehend the energy consumption on the Cidade Universitária campus, as well as the displacements to and within it. We highlight the following reports among the ones produced by our studies:
- Monitoring the consumption of natural resources on our campus. campus.
- Energy consumption report on different centers of our campus. campus.
- Photovoltaic Potential of Ilha do Fundão.
- Study on migration from UFRJ to the Free Energy Market (MLE).
- Technical and Economic Feasibility Study for the implementation of waterway transportation and light rail (VLT) at the Cidade Universitária campus.
Sustainable Solutions contest
The purpose of this contest was to stimulate innovative, low-cost ideas aimed at university campuses and mid-sized cities. The contest was divided into three different categories (Water, Energy and Mobility), and gave an award, in each of those area, to the best project regarding innovation, cost and replicability potential, in line with the Master Plan for UFRJ (2020 Master Plan for UFRJ). The contest was attended by students, researchers and employees at UFRJ. The proposals were judged by a committee of experts comprised of the Board Members of Fundo Verde, of UFRJ’s Technology Park and of the Master Plan for UFRJ.
In total, 26 projects entered the contest, with four winners – due to a tie, two projects were awarded the win in the Water category –, with projects that addressed topics such as: carpooling, energy efficiency in the Technology Center (CT), efficiency in water consumption and sewage treatment. In addition to the positive results directly related to joining the contest, we also benefitted from the dissemination of Fundo Verde – UFRJ, not only within the faculty and staff at our university, but also among the external community, which generated news and reports about the contest.