For the purpose of creating supporting mechanisms to mobility in the university, Fundo Verde has financed many different initiatives in the sector in question, which provide internal and external mobility solutions to the campus. Below are some of our featured projects:
Integra UFRJ
This project’s first phase ocurred between 2017 and 2020, providing 60 bicycles and eight stations. Throughout this period, the project enabled nearly 90,000 trips. In 2022, Fundo Verde has been supporting the implementation of the new bicycle-sharing system, whose completion is expected in the second half of the year.

Developed by students and picked out from the ‘Fundo Verde Sustainable Solutions – UFRJ 2014’, contest Caronaê is a project whose activities started in 2015. It consists of a mobile application in which students at UFRJ could sign up and find other students who lived in the same region as theirs, thus facilitating the creation of carpooling groups. Between 2016 and 2018, the app had 12,000 registered users and enabled 6,000 rides..
The project has 10 carpooling spots spread out across the campus. This ride-sharing transport system allows for a better rationalization in the use of private transportation in roads, as well as a possible reduction in the number of vehicles destined for the Cidade Universitária campus.

VAM – Veículos de Apoio a Mobilidade
The project consisted of a Van and two Jardineiras (electric golf cart-like cars as per the model in the image below), with its main purpose being that of facilitating the access of the faculty and staff at UFRJ to the Technology Park. In 2016, the most important year of its operation, it carried 10,000 passengers.